I’ve been drawing since I was able to walk. It was the only thing growing up that I was always completely in my comfort zone and distracted me from most things. I decided I wanted to pursue tattooing around my sophomore year of high school so right after graduating (2011) is when I went shop to shop searching for an apprenticeship. I was lucky enough to get under the guy doing my tattoos at the time and so I started tattooing in January 2012.
Styles- Growing up whenever I’d draw, it always came out illustrative and so I gravitate towards the new school style and would love to do more. However when I started tattooing my main focus was photo realism and portraits. I am a giant nerd so rather than style I really just love doing anything of geek culture, movies and whatnot.
You can contact me through my booking site at scotthowardtattoos.square.site. Instagram chat is possible but the way it’s set up I can’t assure that I’ll always see it. Sorry in advance